Sunday, August 24, 2008

Gandy Dancer - Ann Arbor

"He Said"...This was a long time ago, back when my wife and I were first dating.

I took her to Gandy Dancer for Sweetest's Day (Or maybe Valentines... Ah crap... I was gonna win points but now I can't remember the occasion!) and I had roses delivered to the restaurant. We were sitting at our table and they brought the flowers over and gave them to my wife. She loved them. Major points! A few minutes later the manager comes over and just snatches them off the table saying something about being sorry and we gave them to the wrong table. You should have seen the look on my wife's face! I thought maybe they got the boxes mixed up but she said no MY NAME WAS ON THE CARD GO GET MY FLOWERS! hahaha. I chased the manager down, exchanged a few words, and got the flowers back. Our one and only experience at the GD.

Gandy Dancer - Ann Arbor Michigan

1 comment:

G said...

J, it was Valentine's Day!!!